28 August 2015

My first indie polishes

I was very quick to dip my toes in the indie world.I was not so good at staying there, and actually using them. A bit over 3 years ago, I posted on this blog about my indie haul. 3 years. Imagine that...
Long time ago.

My first indie - haul

But it was going to take awhile until I tried them all. Matter of fact, I still have not tried them all.
Girly Bits - Wet Bikini and Girly Bits - Promise Me, are both still untrieds(!!!).
The original reason was the hassle with glitter removals, so they just stayed in their box, later they moved into a Helmer, and there they stayed. Never tried, never loved.
I feel sorry for them. So I will definitely take them out and put them on my talons, soon. 
I hope. 
It's on my to-do-list. I will get there. 

I am quite embarrassed over my old swatching pictures, so I will be doing new pictures of them as well. 

The reason for this trip down Memory Lane, is because I wanted to show you all that #itrustindiepolish 

My indie collection might not be as large as many others, but lately (since the whole Mentality thing blew up), I have made a point to order more indies. So the next month or so, I will mainly focus on indie nail polishes, and show them to you in all their glory.

As long as they are fully disclosing ingredients, and do testing, I don't see the problem.
If you where to have a problem with a polish, you would be able to point to what you reacted to.
Open and honest communication all around.

Raise your hand with me and say: I Trust Indie Polish


  1. I know the pain of removing glitters! It definitely has deterred me from wearing my glitter-heavy polishes from 2012

    1. I am so glad I found out about the Elmers Glue trick when using glitter heavy nail polishes. Solves everything. :)

  2. Glitter A Peel from Nail Pattern Boldnss is a great peelable base coat for heavy glitters. Usually pops off in a few days.

    1. Thanks for the tip. Just bought Le Big Party from Nail Pattern Boldness, but did not see the glitter a peel.

  3. I trust indie polishes too, and if they are cruelty free, I'll trust them more and more. =)

  4. with you on the glue !! wow those polishes bring back memories!

    1. Haha.
      Memories for sure, girl, it feels like it was ages ago, these came out.

  5. Glitter can be a pain sometimes but I use those 100% acetone glitter and polish remover tubs that you can get in drugstores or big box stores...they work brilliantly. I can't live without glitter!

    1. I have a couple of those tubs around.
      I am slowing working my way into loving glitter, I am just completely newbie on how to incorporate glitter into nail art, and stuff.
      Practice, practice

  6. OMG, I so understand the glitter thing. I had a glitter removing nightmare just yesterday, and I typically have no problem. I still love it though. I'm with Karel ... can't live without it! =)

    1. So sorry to hear about your glitter nightmare. I have them occasionally, and they are the WORSE!.
      Can't live with em, can't live without.

  7. I feel you on the pain of glitter removal, I keep hoarding all the micro glitters but am yet to wear a majority of them :D

    1. I am so with you on this one.
      I love the look of micro glitters, and I have a load of them too!

  8. Oy, I have so many untrieds! I've started culling my buying until I can work through some of my older polishes!

    1. It's so hard to get around to them all.
      I was on a two year low buy, where I bought about 30 polishes in total, all of them W7's. As soon as I got out of my no buy I started ordering polishes in boxes of 10 +, and now I think I am back to having half my stash as untrieds. :(

  9. I think your next manicure should be one of these! Or maybe even all of them...

    1. One of these for sure, but which one...


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