18 June 2015

Organizing collection - Swatching-sticks

I have been on the fence for a long time about getting swatch-sticks, I felt I needed a bit more stability in my life before taking the step, and now that I am back to working full time, have a Nail Cave aka Office Room in my flat, I am ready to take the plunge.

... and what a plunge it was.

Little did I know what adventures I was embarking upon, the hours it would take. The lengths I was willing to go to, in order to persuade my boyfriend to help me with it.

Promises of wine, cheese and crackers did the job.
He did all the printing of the labels, and had to live with the mess for a couple of weeks.

I didn't want to spam you with a lot of pictures, so I made a little collage with the process of swatching over 400 nail polishes to swatching sticks.
If you are like me, on the fence about doing this, I just have one thing to say to you. Do it before you pass 300. It is totally worth it, and I have found so many amazing comboes that I would never have found without doing this. I love it.

Worth ALL the hours.

By clicking on the picture you can see an enhanced version.

I bought 500 swatching sticks on Ebay, and got 10% of my order since I ordered so many of them. The seller emailed me after 3 weeks asking if they had arrived safely, which they had, so I am very happy with the experience.
If you are thinking about buying some I have only good experince with hittime_sg and they cost $2.33 for 50 swatching sticks (i bought 500)

I am planning on spending a couple of hours with my boyfriend in the living room and sorting these after colour. When I get around to do it, I will post a video of them. YouTube can never have enough Nail Polish Porn. Hehe

The old swatching wheels goes in the trash (not that I have used them since 2012...). I will always treasure this picture, for this was the start of my collection. I still have the spreadsheet with all the names. Out with the old, and in with the new. 


  1. It may have taken a lot of time and hard work but it looks like you (and your boyfriend) did a great job. I love how neat and precise it all is, I'm very much like that too with my organization! I don't own any sticks but I can image how great it is just to see all the colours together and easier to find unusual colour combos! xx

    1. It is great, while I was doing them I tried to group together the more unusual shades. Like Emerald, and Lime Greens as well as Minty shades and cobalts. It was so cool to see them all side by side.
      Like with glitters, I always struggle when looking at the bottles to come up with ways to use them, but this has solved that problem for me, as I just pop them over another shade, and I get to see the result without having to polish my nails.


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