10 March 2014

Sinful Color - Savage

Hello everyone. I am sorry for being MIA here for a while, but I have finally settled in my flat, and sorted internet out. Which took, like, forever. Had to wait for an installer for 6 weeks, and another couple of days for my hub to arrive. I survived, and back online, and back to blogging (as some of you might have noticed)

A while back I picked up Savage from a Sinful Color display, and it got forgotten among a lot of other things when I was packing up my things. Now that I have unpacked most of my belongings I have uncovered a small mountain of nail polishes, and it's about time they get some love.

I was surprised when this polish turned matte on me, I did not know it was a matte at all. In the bottle it just looked kinda dull, but it transformed into this awesome almost "blackboard finish" looking blue.


  1. Wow. I have to find that color, RIGHT NOW. No joke. Where are my keys...

    1. It's gorgeous, right?
      Looking forward to see what you will do with this colour. :)
      Maybe some swirlies with a glitter polish?


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